Albertosaurus (/ælˌbɜrtɵˈsɔrəs/; meaning “Alberta lizard”) is a genus of tyrannosaurid theropod dinosaur that lived in western North America during the Late Cretaceous Period, about 70 million years ago. More
During the Late Jurassic, Allosaurus was the world’s No. 1 predatory dinosaur. More
Ankylosaurus was a short, squat, heavily armored dinosaur that was a member of the Ankylosauridae family. More
Confusion has always surrounded the dinosaur Apatosaurus, which many still refer to as “Brontosaurus.” More
A particulary important and still contentious discovery is Archaeopteryx lithographica, found in the Jurassic Solnhofen Limestone of southern Germany, which is marked by rare but exceptionally well preserved fossils. More
Camarasaurus is among the most common and frequently well-preserved sauropod dinosaurs. The maximum size of the most common species, C. lentus, was about 15 meters (50 ft) in length. The largest species, C. supremus, reached a maximum length of 23 meters (75 ft) and maximum estimated weight of 47 tonnes (51.8 tons). More
The dinosaur known by the common name “shark-toothed lizard” is obviously not a shark, nor a lizard. More
Although Deinonychus was only about as big as a two-passenger compact car, every inch of this dinosaur contributed to its reputation as being one of the world’s deadliest dinosaurs. More
Diplodocus was a genus of several four-legged, plant-eating dinosaurs with very long necks, whiplike tails and a specialized claw on one toe of each foot. More
The Dromaeosaur was an “odd bird,” and you’d be right if you say in more ways than one. More
Iguanodon isn’t a single dinosaur — it’s a dinosaur genus that contains multiple species, all of which had four legs and ate plants. Most grew to be about 30 feet long. More
Early fossil hunters were probably quite curious to know exactly what they found when they stumbled upon a crushed skull and a few bones that would later become known as the Oviraptor philoceratops. More
Although they weren’t technically dinosaurs, mosasaurs hold a unique place in paleontological history… More
Plesiosaurs were aquatic reptiles, and were an important part of the marine ecology from the end of the Triassic period 220 million years ago until the end of the Cretaceous 65 million years ago. More
Pterodactyls were suited well for flying. They had very light hollow bones and wide leathery wings. More
A recent movie battle pitted a Spinosaurus against Tyrannosaurus rex, with the former portrayed as a victor after it snapped its rival’s neck. More
This is an iconic dinosaur that lived for about 10 million years during the Late Jurassic period, from about 155 to 145 million years ago. More
Struthiomimus is a genus of ornithomimid dinosaurs from the late Cretaceous of Alberta, Canada and Wyoming, USA. More
Triceratops (meaning “three-horned face”) is a dinosaur that lived between 68 and 65 million years ago. More
The diminutive dinosaur Troodon was about 6 feet tall and weighed about 110 pounds. More
Tyrannosaurus Rex
Paleontologists were shocked when they unearthed a near-complete skeleton of Tyrannosaurus in 1902. More
Most people think they know the Velociraptor from its portrayal in the popular Jurassic Park movies and books. More